What Is Brazilian Buttocks Augmentation?


A shapely, full behind is one of the most coveted physical features in this day and age. According to Vogue Magazine, we’re officially in the era of the big booty. From Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj to Iggy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez, big booties have become ubiquitous on the airwaves, television, and Instagram, among other places. Gone are the days of worshipping thin, waif-like figures. Today, baby’s got back or is in the process of getting it via Brazilian buttocks augmentation.

Also known as a Brazilian butt lift, Brazilian buttocks augmentation is a fat transfer procedure that provides aesthetic enhancement of the contour of the buttocks. A Brazilian buttocks augmentation improves the shape of the buttocks by lifting it, increasing its size, improving its firmness, and potentially correcting any imbalances. Tired of having a flat or saggy behind? If you want a fuller and sleeker backside, a Brazilian buttocks augmentation might be the answer to your woes.

How It Works

Unlike butt implants, a Brazilian buttocks augmentation doesn’t require a surgeon to open a slit in the skin and insert a saline or silicone implant. During a Brazilian buttocks augmentation, a surgeon performs liposuction, taking fat from other parts of the body and re-injecting it into the buttocks. The fat is purified prior to injection so that only the best tissue is used. Typically, surgeons harvest fat from the back, stomach, hips, and thighs. Additional liposuction can be performed around the buttocks to improve its appearance and contour.

A major advantage that Brazilian buttocks augmentation has over butt implants is increased safety. Buttocks augmentation is a closed procedure, so the risk of infection is lower. There’s also no worry of rejections and other issues because foreign items aren’t inserted into your body. Nevertheless, the results of a Brazilian butt lift are often very dramatic and attractive because it combines the fat transfer procedure with liposuction.

What to Expect

The Brazilian buttocks augmentation in Seattle and Bellevue is typically performed on an outpatient basis. It can take anywhere from about an hour and a half to four hours to complete, depending on the amount of fat removed, the patient’s desired outcome, and the areas being treated.

After the Brazilian butt lift procedure, you may experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort. You cannot sit directly on your buttocks for up to three weeks. You may also be required to wear a special garment that controls swelling for three weeks following the procedure. After about four weeks post-op, you should be able to resume normal daily activities.

Obtain a Shapely and Sexy Rear End with Brazilian Butt Augmentation

If you feel that your butt is too flat and you would like to have a round, perky, and prominent behind, the Brazilian buttocks augmentation procedure is an excellent choice. A Brazilian butt augmentation can improve your self-confidence and the way you feel about your body by improving the size and shape of your rear end. The Brazilian butt lift is also appropriate for those who have lost a lot of weight and feel like their buttocks lacks shape.

People often find that it’s difficult to make an impact on the buttocks area with exercise alone, so they opt for a Brazilian butt lift to make their buttocks more full and firm. Because the Brazilian butt augmentation procedure involves using fat from your own body, it is one of the most natural and safest ways to enhance your buttocks.

Click here to read more about our Brazilian Butt Lift, or give us a call at 425.450.1994 to make an appointment to discuss your goals for treatment.

By Bellevue Plastic Surgeons